We live in La Loma Grande a very traditional neighborhood of the Centro Histórico. When we bought our apartment we did not think much of the neigborhood and we paid more attention to the building where our place is set and the beautiful view we have from our apartment. At first I was a bit afraid of walking in the street outside our apartment building. So many people come and go all the time and we learn that in part of the neighborhood some people sell drugs. That made us feel uncomfortable. However, with time I have come to like very much this neighborhood and it is because I have come to know the people who live here. It is a very friendly place, everywhere I walk I see someone to say hi " hola vecino" and sometimes I stop and chit chat about anything.
I don't know if other neighborhoods in Quito have all we have here. In just one street of about 1/2 mile you can find: A historic church, a fire station, a police station, bakeries, farmacies, several little groceries stores, restaurants, medical center and dentists, fresh fruit and veggies stores, tailor, chinese food, electronic repair places, shoe repair places, hair salons, kindergarten, elementary schools, high schools, internet services, a cultural center in restoration, a hidden park, clothing and shoes stores, and other places that I am sure I'm forgetting. You just need to decide what you want or need and go out the door, walk few minutes and find it!
Living here makes me feel like we are part of a community and that people are friendly. It is also a great contrast with our lives in Yanapana where nature is our community.

View of the street we live on seen from another hill in the city

The street we live on

Another street in the center of Quito

Views from our roof top