In seven years that we own our finca YANAPANA, we have never cut a tree. We bought this property to preserve it and to allow all living beings that exist there to have there home undisturbed. In order to built all the 3 cabins we added to the land since we bought this place, we always purchased wood already cut. I could not bear the thought of cutting a tree. Well, last week we had to hire some guys to cut few trees from the area of YANAPANA that will be under water once the hydro project is finished. The land is still in our hands (while the government processes our compensation) so we decided to cut two Chanul and one Motilón trees and save all the wood for our new house and to make furniture. We know that it takes at least 1 year before we can use the wood for construction, so we will put it to dry. It was a sad moment to see the tree fall. It is so strange to be in the position to decide to cut a tree - a tree that has been there long before us, we calculate that the tree was 300 years old. As a sign from the universe the Motilón tree has a tear drop shape or a water shape. I will always remember this tree and I will try to plant and preserve many more in my life time.

Guy cutting the Motilón tree
Tear drop shape
Boards for tables
Nature is abundant
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