Life is good and busy! I have not made time to write on this blog because we did not have internet for quite sometime and now that we do, I have been spending my time on other projects. I want to continue this blog, and I hope to do it at least once a month.
Mateo is growing so fast! I think he just went through a growth spurt because he went from a lousy eater to an eager eater which was pleasing to see. I can't keep up with his hair and I need to cut it quite often. Seems like we have settled into a nice routine lately. Sure is nice to sleep in and then have a slow morning while we eat breakfast, shower and clean the house. Before midday we go out for a walk around the busy streets of Quito. Mateo enjoys it so much that almost always falls sleep in the Bob (the stroller).

My mom moved in with us for a month, it was a nice month because we got lots of help watching Mateo. Pat and I took advantage of this and went out more often. There is always business to do in the city.

We have not gone to the land yet because we need to have the car checked and maybe change the tires. We got a used Chevrolet Rodeo that is very roomy.

Mateo enjoys very much the company of Anita, my girlfriend's children. They are older than him but that is what makes them very interesting. There are lots of things to learn from them. I am very glad I can keep in contact with an old friend.

Bath time is very special for Mateo, he has graduated from playing with rubber ducky and moved to more interesting creatures. He has his entire zoo accompanying him while he soaks in the water. Trying to get him out is a battle I have won with the animals but not with Mateo ha ha.

Lately, he enjoys sitting by the stove (we stand by him, don't worry, we won't burn him) and watches us cooking. He knows what he wants and does not hesitate to communicate it to us in any way he can. Also, he is sleeping in his own room and he is also sleeping through the night! I am so happy for that because it means I am also sleeping through the night :)
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